
As easy as BCC

Simply BCC or forward your emails to PipeMail, and we take care of the rest.
Keep reading to learn more…

Archive emails to SugarCRM and SuiteCRM

PipeMail makes it easy to archive email conversations to SugarCRM and SuiteCRM.

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ALL email clients are supported

Unlike other solutions that rely on plugins that tie you to specific email software such as Outlook or Thunderbird email clients, PipeMail works with any email client, including smartphones, webmail, or your preferred email program.

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Nothing to install

No plugins, no add-ons, no software to install, no complex setup processes. You simply BCC (or forward) your email to your own PipeMail email address. This means you can use any email software you like, including on your smartphone, webmail, gmail, whatever.

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Easy to use

If you can send an email, you can use PipeMail. Each user gets a pipemail mailbox with its own email address. Forward or BCC this mailbox and PipeMail does the rest. Forgot to BCC an email to PipeMail? No problem, just forward the sent email to your PipeMail address.

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Attachments in emails you archive are accessible from your CRM. But we don’t hog space on your server. Instead, files are saved in the cloud, with handy links in your CRM.

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Ignore internal emails

Prevent internal, sensitive emails being archived to the company CRM. Using your team’s ‘ignore’ list prevents archiving for emails from domains you specify.

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Some email service providers, such as Outlook 365, allow you to automatically send copies of all outbound emails to an email address. Using this method you can archive all email to your CRM, automatically.

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